Drawing Posted on 2024-05-16

In charge of illustrations for a song cover of "Dec." by Zakuro Shiro

image In charge of illustrations for a song cover of "Dec." by Zakuro Shiro

Shigumano has been in charge of making the illustration work for a song cover sang by Zakuro Shiro of "Dec." by Kanaria.
It is a cover with a cool voice and atmosphere that was released on the 15th of May!

Shigumano's illustration work has been featured in the production of Vtuber goods previously, but to my knowledge this may mark the first time an illustration is featured in an other creator's cover.

Below are links to the cover on Youtube and to the post by Zakuro Shiro on X/twitter.

Relating links :

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inO1F91dplU https://twitter.com/Zakuro_Shiro/status/1790685644161011866